Sunday, May 27, 2007

chocolate chip ice cream

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.

You tend to be successful at anything you try.

A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.

ice-cream cake

You Are an Ice Cream Cake

Surprising, unique, and high maintenance.
You're one of a kind, and you don't want anyone to forget it.
You're fun in small doses, but it's easy for people to overdose on you!


Sejam lebih 13 menit menuju ujian Perancangan...
dan merasa tidak memberikan effort sebesar orang lain...
Kayanya catetan juga standard... mau diapain sih??
Kenapa juga bahannya harus di mash-up dengan kelas genap

Udah belajar bahan genap?

Malah lebih ribet ngetik ulang bahan Kansai International Airport
secara fotokopian kurang jelas...
and what the hell is a radii?
maap-maap aja deh kalo arsitek harusnya tau...

uh... sedang kesal...
kmaren sudah senang karena telponan dengan beaver...
terus seperti biasa e**a memutus2kan pembicaraan kami berdua
(tidak sebut merk kan??)
terus menelepon si panda kecil (ini ambigu ya?)
tapi dia malah bikin saya kesal...
akhirnya ketiduran dengan grief dan fotokopian di tangan


You're it!

decided to write a brand new blog
after looking at people's with envy
still trying to figure out how i will manage it ^^
but right now gotta go quickly
cuz the little sis asked me to pick her (plus her boyfriend and friend)
at the church
